
Tax Attorney

Once you decide that you need the services of a tax attorney, you need to decide which attorney to choose. Like many professions, there is a lot of good and bad out there. Here are ten tips to help you choose the right tax attorney:

  • Find an attorney who focuses on the representation of tax debtors before the IRS and state taxing authorities
  • Get recommendations from friends and relatives
  • Contact your local Bar Referral Service and tell them you need IRS tax help
  • Look on the Internet (you can tell a lot about people from their website)
  • Choose an attorney that is located relatively close to where you live (if you have a problem that needs addressed, many times it can be resolved much quicker with a face-to-face meeting)
  • Beware of late night TV “legal” advertisements and outrageous promises of settlement of your tax problem for “pennies on the dollar”
  • Don’t pay anything, unless you know exactly what you are getting for your money
  • Talk with your attorney before you agree to pay for that attorney’s services
  • Know what the attorney will do for you and whether this will meet your needs
  • Use your gut (make sure you are comfortable and confident in your tax attorney)

If you need information and guidance regarding your tax debt relief options, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with a tax attorney at Conley Law Practice, LLC. Call us locally at 610-524-3200 or send us an e-mail today.